Industrial Waster Water Treatment | Download Brochure
Ozone was first used by municipalities to improve the organic qualities of water with control of taste, odor and color as well as for its germicidal action. Application of ozone in wastewater treatment includes the destruction or removal of complex organic molecules, cyanides and phenols from chemical waste, etc. In addition, subjecting municipal wastewaters or combined municipal waste waters or combined municipal industrial waste waters to a final ozone process enables reuse for applications such as washwater, irrigation, or fire fighting systems. Ozone is also used extensively in the industry oxidation processes and for disinfection purposes. Typical examples are in the chemical industry where ozonolysis is necessary for the production of certain substances, in cooling towers/ systems where ozone replaces the less desirable chemical biocides, etc. The high oxidation potential of ozone, which is 50% higher than chlorine, has prompted many companies to use ozone equipment in their manufacturing facilities.Advantages of Ozone in Effluent treatment
After ozonation Pre treatment, there is no re growth of microorganisms, except for those protected by the particulates in the wastewater stream.
Ozonation elevates the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration of the effluent. The increase in DO can eliminate the need for reaeration and also raise the level of DO in the receiving.
• Elimination of COD.
• Elimination of Phenols
• Decolorisation.
• Reduce Odour.
• No Sludge Formation.